Verbos Regulares e Irregulares en Inglés -Tiempos verbales.
Los verbos ingleses pueden ser regulares e irregulares.
Los verbos irregulares construyen su tiempo pasado añadiendo -ed a la raíz del verbo.
Los verbos irregulares cambian de forma en el pasado y en el participio .
Ejemplos de verbos irregulares(to eat) comer y verbos regulares (to arrive) llegar.
Infinitivo Simple past Past Participle
To eat ate eaten
Infinitivo Simple past Past Participle
To arrive arrived arrived
El infinitivo se forma con TO.
El gerundio lo hace añadiendo al infinitivo la desinencia -ING.
El participio tiene su propia forma en los verbos irregulares.
En los verbos regulares se añade -ED a la raíz del verbo. Ej. Arrived.
Infinitivo Gerundio Participio
To Eat Eating Eaten
Presente Presente Forma interrogativa
Simple Continuous Presente continuous
I arrive I am working Am I working?
you arrive you are working Are you working?
he, she, it arrives he, she. it is working (………)
we arrive we are working F.negativa P. Cont.
you arrive you are working I am not working
they arrive they are working You aren’t working…
Forma interrogativa Forma negativa contraida Forma negativa sin contraer
Do I arrive? I don’t arrive I do not arrive
Do you arrive? You don’t arrive you do not arrive
Does he, she, it arrive? He, she, it doesn’t arrive He she,it does not arrive
Do we arrive? We don’t arrive We do not arrive
Do you arrive? You don´t arrive You do not arrive
Do they arrive? They don´t arrive They do not arrive
El presente continuo : Indica una progresión de la acción del verbo en el presente.
El pasado simple: Se traduce por trabajaba, (prt.imperfecto indicativo) y trabajé (pretérito anterior).
Simple past.yo trabajaba o trabajé.
Forma Afirmativa Forma interrogativa Forma negativa
I worked did I work? I didn’t work
you worked did you work? you didn’t work
he, she, it worked did he, she, it work? he she,it didn’t work
we worked did we work? we didn’t work
you worked did you work? you didn’t work
they worked did they work? they didn’t work
Present Perfect. Yo he trabajado.
Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa
I have worked have I worked? I haven’t worked
you have worked have you worked? you haven’t worked
he, she. it has worked has she, he, it worked ? he, she, it hasn’t worked
we have worked have we worked? we have worked
you have worked have you worked? you haven’t worked
they have worked have they worked ? they haven’t worked
Present Perfect Continouos
Yo he estado trabajando
Afirmativa Interrogativa Negativa
I have been working have I been working? I haven’t been working
you have been working have you been working? you haven’t been working
he,she,it has been working has he,she,it been working? he,she,it hasn’t been woking
you have been working have you been working? you haven’t been working
(….) (…..) (…..)
I – Yo We – Nosotros/-as
You -Tú You – Vosotros/-as
He – Él They – Ellos/-as
She – Ella
It – Ella/Él (Objeto, animal, planta).